20230106 【NMB48 Kojima Hananari・Hirayama Mani】No.9 [Yoshimoto fingger part] [youtube-ck7FmbkI1IM].eng.ass
20230113 [NMB48 Abe Wakana & Kojima Karin] 10th [Yoshimoto Finger Club] [youtube-kf0iDRhSyNs].eng.ass
20230113 [NMB48 安部若菜・小嶋花梨] No.10 [Yoshimoto fingger part] [youtube-kf0iDRhSyNs].eng.ass
20230120 【NMB48 Abe Wakana, Kazuto Sumino】No.11】【Yoshimoto fingger】 [youtube-3y5tusCTFbg].eng.ass
20230124 [NMB48 Abe Wakana & Yamamoto Nozomi] 12th [Yoshimoto Finger Club] 2023-01-27 13 15 [youtube--QCzdGOf-Ao].eng.ass
20230124 [NMB48 安部若菜・山本望 come true] 12】 [Yoshimoto fingger part] 2023-01-27 13 15 [youtube--QCzdGOf-Ao].eng.ass
20230203 GEIKEN 1st [Sumino Kazuto, Sakurada Ayaha] [youtube-py5UeMBWdcg].eng.ass
20230210 GEIKEN Vol.2 [Kiryo Shiotsuki, Kazuto Sumino, Kaede Kuroda, Aya Sakurada] [youtube-22R3dRjNBLI].eng.ass
20230217 Goeken 3rd Pokémon Yunite Challenge【NMB48 Kazuto Sumino】 [youtube-KLDrW21atB8].eng.ass
20230217 【If Negative】Goblet Goblers Showdown 【Spokin Extra Edition】 [youtube-dtRuX4hh9eI].eng.ass
20230224 [Geken ] The 4th DBD [NMB48 Kaede Kuroda] [youtube-QJArHWstX9Y].eng.ass
20230303 【GAKEN】The 5th Splatoon 3【NMB48 Sayo Sakurada】 [youtube-Vd2kTB44Jis].eng.ass
20230310 【Gaeken】The 6th Pokémon Yunite【NMB48 Kazuto Sumino】 [youtube-Rerh0lvjolQ].eng.ass
20230317 【Geiken】The 7th [NMB48 Shiotsuki Kiyo sound, Kuroda Kaeda] [youtube-qmRp1GPGg_c].eng.ass
20230331 【GAKEN】The 8th Mario Kart【NMB48 Kaeda】 [youtube-OZlPTHPvB40].eng.ass
20230407 【GAKEN】The 9th [NMB48 Sasamu Sakurada] [youtube-eBNEeQzAVS4].eng.ass
20230414 【Gaeken】The 10th Mario Kart【NMB48 Shiotsuki Kiyo sound, Kuroda Kaeda】 [youtube-1FEtkbpofik].eng.ass
20230421 【Gaeken】The 11th Tetris【NMB48 Ikehonoka, Sakurada Ayaha】 [youtube-rE3R9MQV94s].eng.ass
20230428 【Gaeken】The 12th Kavi Gourmet Song [NMB48 Kaede Kuroda and Kazu Sumino] [youtube-v-QD0JjgChg].eng.ass
20230502 [NMB48] Challenge 50m running! Spokin #01 [youtube-eIvJCw9dHAU].eng.ass
20230503 [NMB48] Handball throwing challenge! Spokin #02 [youtube-7Y5A3Gs_HVE].eng.ass
20230504 【NMB48】Morc Showdown! Spokin #03 [youtube-OWNcogC-jT0].eng.ass
20230505 【NMB48】Communicating with animals【Spokin Extra Edition】 [youtube-PrXvsxJwDeM].eng.ass
20230506 【NMB48】Eat a farmer s local pot [ポkin extra edition] [youtube-eOzwpLYea90].eng.ass
20230507 [NMB48] Talking about Black History [Extra Edition of Spokin] [youtube--i6zVwrv8fE].eng.ass
20230512 【Gaeken】The 13th Trombone Champ【NMB48 Abe Wakana・Izumi Ayano・Kaminishi Re・Yamamoto Nozomu】 [youtube-qoQ_tu6PGzA].eng.ass
20230519 【Gaeken】The 14th Great Brawl Sッシュ Bros. SPECIAL【NMB48 Kaeda, Wada Kaisuke】 [youtube-mUcWLvGAl1U].eng.ass
20230526 【GAKEN】The 15th Human Fall Flat【NMB48 Sayo Sakurada, Nishi Yuma】 [youtube-4sRwhmPu-0E].eng.ass
20230602 【GAKEN】The 16th [NMB48 Shiotsuki Kiyane, Nishi Yuma] [youtube-1WaJE4qtYss].eng.ass
20230609 【GAKEN】The 17th Mario Kart【NMB48 Kaeda, Nishi Yuma】 [youtube-iA1XkVmVsqM].eng.ass
20230615 【GAKEN】Special Edition Splatoon 3 【NMB48 Sayo Sakurada】 [youtube-0l5gCpr1JNA].eng.ass
20230616 【GAKEN】The 18th [NMB48 Kazuto Sumino, Kaede Kuroda] [youtube-fVtujRDDHt8].eng.ass
20230623 【GAKEN】The 19th [NMB48 Shiotsuki Kiyo sound, Yuka Aobara] [youtube-pkND3o4hl8s].eng.ass
20230630 Believe in a Dream Lee Si Yeon [youtube-oK59vTgVmuw].eng.ass
20230630 【Gaeken】The 20th [NMB48 Kaede Kuroda, Ayano Satsuki] [youtube-lK8F-z-TfI4].eng.ass
20230630 夢 Lee Si Yeon [youtube-oK59vTgVmuw].eng.ass
20230707 [GAKEN] The 21st [NMB48 Kazuto Sumino, Yayoi Ryumoto] [youtube-IKhjo8kmqSY].eng.ass
20230721 The 22nd OnlyUp! 【NMB48】 [youtube-1pBj_qPNk5o].eng.ass
20230804 [Geken] The 23rd [NMB48 Ikehonoko, Sasamu Sakurada] [youtube-Yt31MbfM5xc].eng.ass
20230811 Remothered Broken Porcelain [youtube-GmdUyYJoZl0].eng.ass
20230815 【NMB48】Campachi camp【Re-】buted】 [youtube-Lu-clSItBGQ].eng.ass
20230820 Live streaming in front of the Gosho Camp [youtube-PllExPA6g3A].eng.ass
20230825 【Geken】The 25th BLPINPINK THE PALACE【NMB48 Shiotsuki Kiyoon, Matsuoka Sakura】 [youtube-hUO_zm_4Ph8].eng.ass
20230901 [Geken] The 26th Great War Sッシュ Bros. SPECIAL [NMB48 Kaeda, Wada Kaisuke] [youtube-tTYeHwB0Bx8].eng.ass
20230908 [Geken] The 27th [NMB48 Shiotsuki Kiyo sound, Maeda Reiko] [youtube-JSKHeSYrG1w].eng.ass
20230915 [Geken] 28th Overcuck 2 [NMB48 Nishi Yushin, Jun Yoshimi] [youtube-Ug0gfpHmqsI].eng.ass
20230929 【Gaeken】The 29th Mario Kart [NMB48 Ikehonoka, Komi Fukuno] [youtube-xKbbpQGzODo].eng.ass
20231006 Super Bunny Man [youtube-8Xxgx9Yd0ZU].eng.ass
20231013 【GAKEN】The 31st Kirby [NMB48 Sayo Sakurada, Kazuto Sumino] [youtube-K1Y3eKaUaMM].eng.ass
20231020 [Geken] The 32nd Minecraft [NMB48 Kaede Kuroda, Momoka Asao] [youtube-0_RX81_w-c4].eng.ass
20231027 【GAKEN】The 33rd Super Mario Bros Wonder 【NMB48 Sayo Sakurada, Yuki Shiotsuki】 [youtube-CCWJApX9lIg].eng.ass
20231103 【GAKEN】The 34th Watermelon Game【NMB48 Shibuya Sayuki, Kazuto Sumino】 [youtube-Zl5PqFJ4D_E].eng.ass
20231108 Is it possible to show the Gerilla Street piano at the venue of the photo shoot [youtube-kljsXU6Apig].eng.ass
20231109 NMB48 #game #nmb48 #watermelon #gaeken [youtube-ALUtMqtzUy8].eng.ass
20231110 【Gaeken】The 35th Watermelon Game【NMB48 Nishi Yuma, Two Bottle Ami】 [youtube-Xc07m6hIf6w].eng.ass
20231117 【GAKEN】The 36th Super Mario Bros Wonder【NMB48 Shinshin Saka】, Aya Sakurada】 [youtube-E1fBVD5fOwU].eng.ass
20231124 [Geken] 37th DON T S】AM [NMB48 Kazuto Sumino, Maki Hirayama] [youtube-tigluvgKG_4].eng.ass
20231201 [Game Research] 38th Dragon Quest Monsters 3 The Journey of the Demon Prince and the Elves [NMB48 Yoshimi Junne] [Spoiler Alert] [youtube-FOU53HqW7jE].eng.ass
20231208 [Game Research] 39th Mystery Solving Email 2 [NMB48 Sumino Wakana, Wada Kaiyu] [youtube-5kRmKKZmAiI].eng.ass
20231221 NMB48 8th Winter Camp 2022 [youtube-2NSM-BoWzIM].eng.ass
20231222 【Gaeken】The 40th Dragon Quest Monsters 3 The Prince of the Magic and Elf s Trip 【NMB48 Junon Yoshimi】【Babare Note】 [youtube-81h8d5gwnps].eng.ass
20231229 Karin and Kate - 24 hours Kotatsumikan [youtube-buOb8ju85Ko].eng.ass
20231231 【GAKEN】Momotaro Electric Railway World【NMB48 New Year s Eve SP】 [youtube-fhwN2iOLgfg].eng.ass